Thursday, October 29, 2009

Global Warming ,A Fact Or Fiction?

Global Warming is an increase in the Earth's temperature that causes change in climate.

I believe that Global Warming does exist because Earth has already show signs of climate change. According to, Global warming doesn't cause hurricanes, but it does make them stronger and more dangerous. Scientists have found that the destructive potential of hurricanes has greatly increased over the past 35 years. Also, Arctic sea ice is rapidly disappearing. Glaciers have been melting at a faster rate than any time over the last 5,000 years. In the Arctic and the Antarctic, ice shelves several thousand years old have started to collapse due to warming. Warmer temperatures have allowed mosquitoes to thrive, spreading mosquito-borne diseases like malaria to higher altitudes.

Fred Singer, A.K.A "the godfather of global warming denial", explained how global warming does not exist.
"The best proof are data taken of atmospheric temperature by two completely different methods. One is from instruments carried in satellites that look down on the atmosphere. The other is from instruments carried in balloons that ascend through the atmosphere and take readings as they go up. These measurements show that the atmospheric warming, such as it is, is extremely slight -- a great deal less than any of the models predicts, and in conflict also with observations of the surface."

1. What is global warming?

2. Do you believe in global warming? Briefly explain.

3. Give three pieces of evidence to support your position on number 2.

4. Despite your response to #2, there are smart people out there that believe the complete opposite of what you believe. Give three pieces of evidence for someone with the opposing viewpoint.

1 comment:

  1. hey hey....heres a graphy i explains the raise in click on the link
