Thursday, October 29, 2009

Global Warming ,A Fact Or Fiction?

Global Warming is an increase in the Earth's temperature that causes change in climate.

I believe that Global Warming does exist because Earth has already show signs of climate change. According to, Global warming doesn't cause hurricanes, but it does make them stronger and more dangerous. Scientists have found that the destructive potential of hurricanes has greatly increased over the past 35 years. Also, Arctic sea ice is rapidly disappearing. Glaciers have been melting at a faster rate than any time over the last 5,000 years. In the Arctic and the Antarctic, ice shelves several thousand years old have started to collapse due to warming. Warmer temperatures have allowed mosquitoes to thrive, spreading mosquito-borne diseases like malaria to higher altitudes.

Fred Singer, A.K.A "the godfather of global warming denial", explained how global warming does not exist.
"The best proof are data taken of atmospheric temperature by two completely different methods. One is from instruments carried in satellites that look down on the atmosphere. The other is from instruments carried in balloons that ascend through the atmosphere and take readings as they go up. These measurements show that the atmospheric warming, such as it is, is extremely slight -- a great deal less than any of the models predicts, and in conflict also with observations of the surface."

1. What is global warming?

2. Do you believe in global warming? Briefly explain.

3. Give three pieces of evidence to support your position on number 2.

4. Despite your response to #2, there are smart people out there that believe the complete opposite of what you believe. Give three pieces of evidence for someone with the opposing viewpoint.

Monday, October 26, 2009


Condensation could be a cold beverage "sweating" when exposed to warm temperate, dew and clouds. Examples of condensation nuclei would be dust, ice, and pollution.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Stormin In

1. Which hurricane did you choose?
2. What category was it on the Saffir-Simpson scale?
3. Tell its story.
4. How many lives were lost? How much damage did it cause ($)?
5. Include at least one picture.
Hurricane Keith 2000

The cyclone slowly became a tropical storm on September 29, then it quickly strengthen into a Category 4 hurricane on the 30th while drifting westward toward the coast of Belize.
Keith emerged in the Bay of Campeche later that day and quickly regained its tropical storm strength. On October 5 it again became a hurricane, before making landfall just north of Tampico, Mexico as a Category 1 hurricane. The cyclone self-indulgenced over northeastern Mexico on the 6th.

Keith caused 24 deaths (12 in Nicaragua, 5 in Belize, 6 in Honduras, and 1 in Mexico). TDamage to property, agriculture, and tourism in Belize was estimated at $225 million.

Infomation came from:

Monday, October 19, 2009

Air Masses[High In The Air]

1. What are the 4 main types of air masses? What does each letter stand for?

mT= Maritime Tropical
mP= Maritime Polar
cP = Continental Polar
cT = Continental Tropical
A = Arctic
H = Highland

2. Which kind of air mass is most likely to bring hurricanes? Why?

mT because hurricanes form often in the late summer when temperature are warm enough to provide moisture and heat to the air.

3. Which kind of air mass(es) is most likely to bring a drought? Why?

cT and mT

4. Which kind of air mass(es) bring lake-effect snowstorms? (check p. 561)

cP and A

5. Today we learned about the 4 main types of air masses. In reality, there are many more than four. List and explain 2 other air masses.


The source region for A air is northern Canada. It has the same characteristics as Polar air except it is colder with even lower dewpoints. This air often forms when a high pressure area becomes nearly stationary over Eastern Alaska and the Yukon. Due to a near lack of winter solar radiation, abundant surface snow/ice cover and the continuous emission of radiation from the Earth's surface the air will progressively become colder and colder. Temperatures can reach -30 ° F to -60 ° F. If the jet stream becomes meridional during the same time frame Arctic air builds, very cold air will spread into Southern Canada and the US. Once Arctic air moves into the Southern US it modifies to Polar air and then eventually to modified Polar Air behind the cold front boundary.


This air mass occurs in regions with large elevation changes over short distance. It is not a source region for one particular type of air mass. Since highland climates are in an elevated terrain, they can promote dryness in the interior of the highland climate. When air masses enter a highland climate they modify due to these elevation changes. mP and mT air is dried (on lee-ward side) due to orographic descent. cP air has difficulty entering a highland climate due to the high density of the cP air. Cold dense air has difficulty moving over elevated terrain.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Be Green Or Be Mean

1. What is "IR" radiation?

The Earth's surface absorbs the solar energy and releases it back to the atmosphere as infrared radiation ("IR").

2. What are the 3 main greenhouse gases?

Carbon dioxide, methane, and water

3. In your opinion, is the greenhouse effect a good thing or a bad thing?

I believe it's a bad thing because the greenhouse effect is rising our sea levels and can cause more floods.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle!

1. Most people agree that recycling is a good thing. Why, specificly should we recycle glass?

Because every ton of glass recycled saves the equivalent of 9 gallons of fuel oil needed to make glass from virgin materials. At least 30% of glass containers on grocery store shelves can be recycled. Container glass can be recycled repeatedly with no loss of quantity or quality

2. Which is better: recycling or reusing things?

I believe recycling is better because reuse can rise mounds of waste.

3. How can Fayetteville residents recycle?

By using your blue recycling rollout cart to collect your recyclables all week long.

4. Where is the closest recycling drop-off center to your home (or our school)?

Cliffdale Site: 7581 Lowell Harris Rd Fayetteville, NC

5. List 9 things plastic can be made into once it has been recycled.

Recycled plastics can be made into bottles, shower stalls, recycling bins, scouring pads, paint brushes, industrial strapping, drainpipes, plastic lumber, and flowerpots.

6. List 5 things metals can be turned into once it has been melted down.

Metal is melted down and reformed into new products such as cans, automobile parts, siding, appliances and building materials.

7. What can you do to promote recycling?

Show and tell what might happen to the earth if we don't recycle

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Making the Grade

What grade do you think you deserve for your 2nd Quarter Blogs. Why?

I believe that I deserve a 90% or higher for my blogs. First of all, I work hard on my blogs and make sure that they are correctly done. I do them on time and review them. I make sure I put in the correct information. That's why I believe I deserve that grade.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Ocean Roller Coaster Ride

Pick one of the four oceans. What are the five most important natural resources that people get from that ocean?

Pacific Ocean:

From the information I got from Msn Encarta,
Nutrient-rich waters from the deep Antarctic Circumpolar Current upwell to the surface in the Peru Current along the coast of Chile and Peru, and the area sustains a large population of anchovetas that is of great importance as a world food resource. Tuna is another important Pacific resource, bringing fleets of many nations in search of the schools that migrate over much of the ocean.