Thursday, December 17, 2009

Journey to the Center of the Earth?

1. What are 3 scientific facts that you learned from watching Journey to the Center of the Earth?

* Magnesium plus fire equals an explosion.

*If enough water is added to magma, a geyser would be in effect.

*Muscovite is thin and can easily break if pressure is added to it.

2. What are 3 things in the movie that were scientifically untrue.

* There is no land in the center of the earth, only magma.

* Glowing birds do not exist (in the real world)

*Venus Flytrap can be found only in North and South Carolina.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Before The Bang?

The Big Bang Theory attempts to explain the formation of the universe. What do you think the universe looked like before the Big Bang? What made the universe "bang?"

That is a deeeeep question!
Well I have to say that it went something like this...

Once a upon time...
There was a really tiny space that was dark and cold...and in this space was a big super hot ball of fire! The ball soon exploded with pretty stars and dust!
The End!

Saturday, December 5, 2009

EXTRASOLAR PLANETS?! Do I need my sunglasses?

1. What are the four ways astronomers can detect extrasolar planets?
2. Choose one of the four ways and explain it in detail.
3. In your answer to #2 you chose one way that astronomers detect extrasolar planets. Search the Internet to find how many extrasolar planets have been detected using this method.

Radial Velocity
Transit Method
Optical Detection

Astrometry is precise measurement of the position of the stars. Astrometry tells us the extent of the star's motion and from that we can deduce the planet's mass and orbit. This kind of movement can be detected against the backdrop of more distant stars, which appear to be stationary because they are so far away.

There was a planet orbiting the star 61 Cygni that was found using Astrometry.