Monday, November 23, 2009

The planet of chaos!

Which planet or moon is your favorite? Why? Please include a picture.

The goddess of discord and chaos

(Umm that's wrong...)

(What do you mean that is wrong...It's my favorite!)




The dwarf plant or the 10th planet
I like this planet because it's so mysterious that most astronomers are desperately trying to find more information about this planet. Also Eris was given a lot of nicknames like "Xena", "Planet X", and (The weirdest of them all)"2003 UB 313". (Note: I found out that they just pick random numbers and letters)

Friday, November 13, 2009

(ACP) A Cool Project

Big Bang Theory

[No Not The TV Show!]

In the 1920s, A Belgian priest named Georges LemaƮtre was the first to suggest the Big Bang theory when he theorized that the universe began from an early atom. The Big Band theory explains how the universe was created. It has been identified as an unquestionable fact of Creationism. About 15 billion years ago, a tremendous explosion, which is known as the Big Bang, started the expansion of the universe. The theory states that, immediately after the Big Bang, the universe quickly expanded.

Milky Way Galaxy

[And Not The Candy]

Our solar system is located within a spiral galaxy called the Milky Way galaxy. The Milky Way got its name because most people believed it looked spilled milk.
Our sun and the stars in the night sky are part of the Milky Way Galaxy. The Milky Way Galaxy is 100,000 light-years and about 12-14 billion years old. The rotation of the Milky Way Galaxy is clockwise and the spiral arms trail in the same direction.

Dark matter

Dark matter is anything in the universe that we know it exists but invisible. This means the matter is not giving off light. Black holes could be dark matter. Dark matter exists in our solar system, and a large cloud of it envelops the entire Milky Way. More than 90% of the universe may be dark matter.

Dark energy

Repulsive force that opposes the self-attraction of matter and causes the expansion of the universe to accelerate is dark energy. The concept of dark energy was first proposed, and then discarded, by Albert Einstein early in the 20th century. Roughly 70% of the universe is dark energy. Dark energy is considered a complete mystery.

Ultimate fate of the universe

The Big Game Over?
What is the ultimate fate of our universe? Fire? A Big Crunch? A Big Rip? Big Bounce? Ice?
Most of these theories are based on the Big Bang Theory.
Some say that the universe will not end but earth will.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


In your opinion, is Pluto a Planet? Why or why not? Please include a picture.

Pluto is known as a the ninth planet in the solar system. I would say that Pluto is still a planet. However, it's a dwarf planet. Sure Pluto may be different from other planets but that doesn't mean it's not one.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Shift It! Let's meet Monsoon!

A monsoon is known as a seasonal wind shift. A monsoon is caused by the movement northward from winter to summer of the huge upper level subtropical high pressure system, specifically known as the Bermuda High, and the intense heating of the Mohave Desert creates rising air and surface low pressure, called a thermal low. These two features combine to create strong southerly flow over Arizona. The southerly low-level winds help to bring in moisture from Mexico, originally coming from a combination of moisture from the Gulf of Mexico, the Gulf of California, and the Pacific Ocean. When this moisture encounters the higher terrain of Arizona, it gets lifted and forms thunderstorms. These thunderstorms can contain very heavy rainfall, hail, strong gusty winds, or a combination of these conditions, which killed more than 240 people in southern India after four days of heavy rainfall at the end of their monsoon season. The sudden rains, coming after a severe drought, deluged villages and caused widespread disruption in the states of Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka.

Within the months of May and June tend to be very dry and warm months in Arizona. By the end of June, afternoon clouds can be seen building over the higher terrain of northern Arizona, and by the beginning of July, the skies typically begin to release its store of moisture. The monsoon circulation does not produce thunderstorms every day during the months of July-September.

I believe that monsoons are dangerous because they can cause thunderstorms and floods.

1. What is a monsoon?

2. What 2 major factors cause monsoons?

3. Give 2 reasons why monsoons could be considered a good thing.

4. Give 2 negatives of monsoons.

5. Why did so many people die here? What exactly happened? Please be complete :)

6. After everything that you have read about monsoons, what do you think? Are they good or bad? Why?